Version 1.4


Version 1.4



Style-3,  can choose .png, .svg image ( .png ~20kb, .svg ~4kb )

in v1.0 .png image is ~51kb, that a big mistake we did, now .png image size is ~20kb ( can change image size up to 600×600 px )

and in v1.4  for style-3 .svg version is there which is ~4kb.

can change the image type at plugin setting page ( Click to Chat -> Customize Styles – and at style-3  toggle )

Style-4  image size now reduced to around ~2kb

before used the same image, which used for style-3 ( ~51kb )

now trim the image to 32×32 px, now image size is ~2kb

Style-9 is added  – WhatsApp icon – like green square

.svg image, size ~4kb

Support for Analytics ( can do using – Google Tag Manager ) , we will make a video, document on how to.

Animations – alpha version

Support Analytics , using Google Tag Manager

support for Localization

much more. .