Shortcodes and Attributes

Shortcodes are useful to change the settings at page level

Shortcode Attributes :

If an Attribute is not given, shortcode uses the values from Plugin Settings page.

page_id –  to Change the Page ID.

color  –  to change the messenger theme color,  add hex color code. ( since 2.1 )

logged_in_greetings – to change the greetings text for logged in user ( since 2.1 )

logged_out_greetings – to change the greetings text for the logged out user (since 2.1 )

ref  – to change ref attribute

greeting_dialog_display – show, hide, fade

  • Show –  greeting dialog will always be shown when the plugin loads.
  • Fade –  greeting dialog will be shown when the plugin loads, then fade away and stay hidden afterward.

Leave blank to apply default settings 
Greetings Dialog Display

greeting_dialog_delay – Set the number of seconds of delay before the greeting dialog is shown after the plugin is loaded.
Greetings Dialog Delay

hide_desktop – To hide the messenger on the desktop, set hide_desktop=true

hide_mobile – To hide the messenger on the mobile, set hide_mobile=true.


Basic Shortcode


It gets the default values, as defined in plugin Settings page.

To change page id

[chatbot page_id="1744915998866434"]

To Change Greetings Dialog

[chatbot logged_in_greetings="Get 20% discount" ref="20-discount"]

If Page ID is changed, Don’t forget to add domains to ‘Whitelisted Domains’ for that Facebook Page.

Plugin Settings

To avoid duplicates, Adding Shortcode in a post removes the default Settings Messenger and add new Messenger based on the Shortcode Attributes.